Hi All!!!
First of all I want to say I haven't been able to post much over the last week or so and I apologise for this. I have not had much access to my laptop and with the Christmas holiday I have been a very busy bee. I wish you all a very belated Merry Christmas to my followers and fellow bloggers! I hope you all had a brilliant day, were given wonderful gifts and ate until your heart was content.
I had an amazing day spent with both sides of my family plus my boyfriends family. It's always a busy day for me travelling to house to house for gift swapping and even sometimes two christmas dinners!!! I ended up with a bloated tummy by 10pm and ending up having a nap before continuing to enjoy what was left of the day.
I wasn't expecting much for Christmas but I did ask for two items:
1. A new wardrobe: as my old one could not hold out for much longer and I needed one much bigger!
2. A bunny rabbit: I've always had rabbits and was gutted when my last one ran away! (Trust me he was not eaten by foxes it snowed when he went missing) I love rabbits as pets they have such great characters and sooo cute!!
Luckily I received both....

Her name at the moment it Missy, I'm not 100% sure if this is what I want to call her but i'll let you all know if I do change it. She is settling in nicely and even my cat Gizmo is getting along with her; although there is some drama with Missy using his litter tray aswell as her own.

For the moment she is living in my room until the weather warms up, I am due to get her an indoor rabbit cage but she is how she lives....

Not so fun for me though haha! You can also see my huge wardrobe in these photos.
I also wanted to show you the new shoes I was given cause we all love shoes....

River Island Shoe boots

Barratts Heels

River Island Boots
And finally a canvass photo Richard did for me of my best modelling images to date ready for when we hopefully move in together in 2011...

So again I hope you all had a brill day and had great gifts! I love mine :o)