Hi All
I am so excited to fill you all in with this news!! Where do I start?
Ok, firstly I am a avid reader of Company magazine I buy this magazine religiously every month. I always find myself attracted to the front cover stories, fashion news and I know I am guaranteed a good read. I came across the 'Street Girl Style' spread in the last two editions I had bought. This features a different reader each month who models their favourite trends of the season. Luckily Company were still looking for more readers to model trends.
Obviously I thought why not! So I entered through the Company Facebook page with this photo..

I simply had to put as the caption what trends I would be interested in modelling in this feature. I chose to mention my keen interest in the leather skirts/shorts trend and the berry lipstick trend.
A week past until I heard anything, and then I was asked to contact the Company stylist on Tuesday with my details and more photo's! I had been picked to do a shoot for the magazine! Word's cannot describe just how happy and excited I was!!
Too cut a very long story short I managed to book the day off work (fantastic and supportive manager I have) borrow money off my mom for the train tickets and went down to East Croydon on Thursday to the sylist's home to do the shoot!
It went well and I will actually be featured in the High Street Edition of the magazine that is issued only twice a year...

Bonus!! And this is the style of spread I will be seen in...

The day went so well and it was over in a flash! I am so excited to buy the edition in March and so privileged to have been picked!
As you can imagine I got a sneak peek of this years Spring/Summer trends according to Company.. and was in awe of all of the clothes and shoes used for the shoot. Here are some heels I couldn't keep my eyes off....

Overall a great experience and a fabulous day! The issue will be out in March so either buy it then or watch out for a post about it here!
P.S Enter my £50 shoe voucher giveaway just click
here for details ♥