So last night me and the mother went to see the legend that is Whitney Houston in concert at the LG Arena in Birmingham. We didn't pay for our tickets, fortunately a friend of my moms gave her the tickets that she had spare.
Now... Whitney has received alot of mixed reviews for her comeback world tour named 'Nothing But Love' which kicked off in Australia and finally landed in the UK this week. Unfortunately she had to cancel the previous two dates before Birmingham due to illness which prevented her from singing. In all honesty I think along which this recent illness, she has ruined her voice due to her past history of drug abuse.
Don't get me wrong, she gave a good performance and was able to hit quite a few of those amazing high notes but, others what quite bad. You could hear her voice cracking and her hear out of breath. It's a shame that this happened and I cringed a few times throughout the show.
She is a brilliant entertainer and still a legend in my eyes, although I had to leave early because my mom had to be up at 4am this morning I enjoyed the show!!
The two outfits she wore (including the one above) are all I got to see; a white and silver suit and a black sparkly evening gown.. very diva, very Whitney! Thumbs up for these!
Overall I enjoyed my night, was slightly dissapointed but hearing 'I wanna dance with Somebody' live by the women herself, although not the same as when im dancing in the disco room in Oceana was still a fab experience!
Whitney, no matter what some of your fans have said about last night! The majority of us still love you and its Nothing but love baby!
when i saw videos of this on the news i couldnt believe it! i would have demanded a refund! she sounded awful!!
glad you had a good time though!!
ps - when will you be announcing your contest winner? xx
But what we all want to know is what YOU wore :) Please say that one of your usual lovely outfit posts will follow?? :) Maria xxx
@ Cat: I have been thinking about re-launching the competition tbh, as there were only two entries :(
@ Dannie & Maria: Unfortunately i didnt get a shot of my outfit that night, it was a good one aswell haha!!
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