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Sunday, 20 April 2014

Thiings I would say to my younger self

Hi Everyone!

I often think if I could go back in time there are a fair few things I would do differently, here are a few of those things:

Take care of your hair - Aged 20-23
Your hair is lovely, thick and a great length. You don't think so but it looks great and you aren't looking after it well enough. Oiling your scalp and using nourishing treatment is the best way to protect it. DO IT!

Pass your driving test - Aged 17
Dad bought you, your provisional driving licence - I am turning 28 this year and still haven't passed my practical test! I have however passed my theory. You always were scared of driving and there is really NOTHING to be scared of.

Stop squeezing your spots - Aged 13 - 21
Your skin will always be a problem, just keep on top of the skincare regime and if you don't take care of it you will keep breaking out and have horrible acne scars because you won't stop squeezing them. Concealer is your best friend for life now!

Go out and have fun - Aged 18
Between the age of 16-20 you were in a relationship where you felt bad for going out with your friends, and you had no reason to feel this way. You rarely went out between 18-20yrs and I wish you would have started clubbing a bit sooner. You missed out on some fun nights apparently and I think you will always regret

Don't listen to the teasing - Aged 12-16
Your teeth were not perfect, you were actually teased for them but you had braces and now they are ten times better. You were so happy to have them, but people at school thought it was a great way to name call you. You let it  get to you and you shouldn't have - those braces were setting you up for a the long run and would you believe it, they always get compliments.

So those are just some of the things I would say to myself, what would you say to your younger self? If you fancy doing a post send me your links I'd love to read them and you have until 21st April to enter this competition here


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